Quarterly Blog Update

So, it’s been an unintentional blog hiatus, the way these things sometimes happen.  Available time comes and goes, my estimation of how interesting I am goes up and down, and if these two things intersect at a low point, then that’s how you get no blog updates for over a month.

Still, here I am.  WordPress 3.8 came and with it a new blog theme, which I am sporting here just for fun.  Sometimes a new theme helps with the creative juices.  I kinda like it, let’s see how long it lasts.  Another benefit is the removal of that rather large, rather blurry header image I had been using of the dogs.  It was always meant to be replaced with something of better quality, but I never got around to it.  Go figure.

Anyway, here’s an update for you.  Recently Cael was reading something and he asked us “What’s a señor’s home?”  Nikki and I looked at each other, and had no idea until I looked at the word:  senior.  Pronunciation is important.

In the same vein, Quinn asked me “Dad, what’s vaganza?”  I naturally gave him my best parental blank stare, fervently hoping this wasn’t anything that would require “A Talk”.  He said, “yeah, this sentence here says is was an extra vaganza, what does that mean?”

So, people, remember that you can have a small amount of vaganza, but in general it’s always best to have extra vaganza on hand when you can arrange it.

So, in case I don’t get back to you here, have a fantastic holiday with all kinds of vaganza, and stay out of the señor’s home, but those señor’s discounts are pretty sweet sometimes.