Buzzing Death Robots

The guys that work soo hard on stuff like this today are the engineers of tomorrow’s armageddon.  Seriously.  Did you have to work quite so hard on the menacing re-formation bit when flying through a window?  I mean seriously, just add some scenery and a grimy, frightened rebel fighter crouching under the window clutching his gun and you have the sizzler reel for a really good science fiction movie.  Why do we need this?  Will we all even live long enough to regret this?


Yes, it’s still unspeakably cool.

via Techcrunch

Well alright alright…

If you have ever seen Dazed and Confused you will instantly recognize what’s going on in this video.


Matthew McConaughey (who inexplicably also stays the same damn age somehow until this very day) reprises the role he played in the movie, hilariously.  What’s more is this song is pretty darn good, and the video is really well done.  Way cool and lots of fun.

It hardly seems fair that Mr. McConaughey manages to remain exactly the same as he looked 19 years ago, although perhaps much richer and more famouser.

Saw this on Buzzfeed

The Thrilling Buffalo-Filled Conclusion

The brilliant Guy on a Buffalo series reaches the thrilling conclusion in a two-part finale.

Part 1


Part 2



Incidentally, the guys behind this ridiculous, awesome and touching web series (Seriously, it has touched me, but not in an inappropriate way, more like the way your Spanish wrestling coach touches you.  Is that inappropriate too? Oh.) are a Texas-based bluegrass band called The Possum Posse.  Bluegrass isn’t always my thing, but from their website this sounds a lot like a band I could get behind.  I highly suggest you head over and check out their Kickstarter project to get their first album made.  Nice work fellas.  If anyone is looking for a gift idea for little old me, I can really see myself wearing one of those Guy on a Buffalo t-shirts.  Just sayin’.