Country Song Formulas

So, while I’m generally not a fan of any of this music and anything I write here can’t really be taken with a very objective viewpoint I have long complained that all of the new music sounds the same to me.

I think I can now rest my case, because this is absolutely amazing.


I will point out that no doubt this can be done with lots of other songs of any genre, and isn’t really exclusive to country music….

Cafeteria Food – The Bellwether for Modern Business Management Practices?

I am lucky enough to have a job that suits me perfectly.  I seem to have enough attention deficit that staying in one place for too long drives me up a wall.  So, I am very happy hopping from client to client, meeting the new folks, seeing the new things.  One thing I get to see a lot of is company cafeterias.  The cafeteria of a company is an infallible barometer for how fun it is to work there.  I have seen many now and I know this to be true.  A modern room, with lots of choices of things to eat, lots of sunlight, that kind of thing is usually a very strong indicator that the company at least has read SOME kind of management book written in the last 20 years about trying to keep your worker bees happy.

However, I have now seen the winner of all time.  Walk with me….

The room looks like a scene out of Orange is the New Black, but with slightly fewer coveralls. Think 1970s medical institution and you probably have it. Lots of green and terrazzo. Anyway, go and grab a tray from the stack, it doesn’t matter, they have all warped uniformly – convex slippery plastic in a dome that only serves to make carrying plates a terrifying sliding game. The first cabinet has desserts. There are two kinds. It doesn’t matter what they are, you just take one. Then to the entrees. Two choices on any given day, go ahead and pick one. Either one will render you into a carb coma within minutes, it doesn’t matter. Then soup. Two choices. TAKE ONE. At this point you begin to realize that at the Hotel Cafeteria (where you can’t take out, and no, you never leave) there’s only one meal on the menu every day. Sure, there are variations, but basically you have the same thing as everyone else does. Dessert, entrée, soup and a drink. $9.15.  This maybe doesn’t seem too bad, unless you start to realize it’s a metaphor for working here, where the choices don’t matter and it all costs the same in the end.  Chilling, isn’t it?  Ok, I kid.

I have only eaten there once, and heaven help me I will never return if I can help it. Hunger is preferable to that joyless chewing exercise. I have rarely seen a sadder example of “lack of effort” on the part of a company. I mean maybe there was something healthy there, but I didn’t even see a piece of fruit.

This all reminds of another famous cafeteria, hm….


Note that any views expressed here are my own stupidity, and are for my own amusement.  Don’t take anything too seriously here folks.

Weird Al still gots it*

Weird Al Yankovic has a new album coming out, and there has been a flurry of videos released recently for it.  Well this video is bordering on genius, and send up of common grammar mistakes.  I have to say this kind of thing bothers the CRAP out of me.   I make mistakes from time to time like anyone, but some folks really have no idea what bad grammar is and how stupid it makes them look.  This is a perfect send up of those folks, and happily the result is a much better song than the original.  By far.  Easily.



*Yes, that was intentional.  The other mistakes in this post are not intentional.

Don’t ring the bell

I saw this on Facebook today, and watched it and immediately felt all kinds of inspired.  This is old school, highly potent, and hard core motivation right here.  It’s a fascinating insight into Seal training, but mostly makes you feel about 10 feet tall and bulletproof for any of the hard stuff in your life.  I’m TOTALLY going to make the kids watch this because it’s a Dad thing.  I mean, come on, there’s a really sly parenting angle built right into this awesome speech, and you will see what I mean.  And when a four star general tells you to make your bed, well that’s probably good advice.

Joking aside, this is a fantastic speech about what it means to persevere and succeed.  It’s a long one, but it’s well worth it.

University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement

Please Use This Song

If you haven’t seen any of John Lajoie’s stuff  before, be sure to go in with your thick skin on, since he doesn’t pull many punches in the name of comedy, but his latest song is absolutely fantastic and almost mass market friendly.  On purpose.


The consumerism nod is bang on, and so is the sly music industry snark.  I like it, and like all good things, it’s catchy as hell.  Remind me to tell you about the time I saw him in Ottawa and woke up with powder for a kneecap….


The Billy and Jimmy Show

This makes me happy….




Is there a better host than Jimmy Fallon?  I mean come on, that guy is seriously talented.  It takes guts to get out there and sing with professional musicians, although I suppose at this point he’s a pro now also.  Still, always fun.