Transparent Aluminum? Yes, please.

The US Air Force is now testing a new kind of material designed to replace “traditional multi-layered glass transparencies” in military speak, or “the de-bug-ulator” in normal speak. It’s lighter, stronger and outperforms bulletproof glass easily. Essentially, in my scientific opinion, it’s transparent aluminum, but some pointdexter will probably point out it isn’t just aluminum, it’s a ceramic compound, and get all technical on me. It’s still way cool, I don’t care.

I can’t wait until we can get other transparent aluminum products. Like siding for my house. That would be neat, although you know what they say about people who live in bulletproof glass houses; Those guys are really fricking annoying, always throwing stones and stuff.

Or how about a transparent step ladder? Talk about freaking people out, but would you still get bad luck from walking under it?

Ultimately, I guess you could finally make one of those lame-assed Wonder Woman invisible airplanes, where all you see are the people sitting in midair, flying along. What is the point of that thing?

On that note, Wonder Woman had the worst stuff, really a classic case of gender discrimination. I mean really. She’s super, but all she gets is that lame “truth lasso” and bulletproof jewelry? Still, it seems that the best-known Wonder Woman from TV is not necessarily true to the creator’s vision. Shocker.

I’m sticking with Bloglines

As pretty much 80% of the posts I read concur, I must admit that I can’t stand the way the Google reader shuffles the posts for me. It’s a deal breaker, and I’m out for this one until they fix it. I found the visual feedback that the refresh was actually happening a little lacking, but that could have been just what I’m used to.

I still love the keyboard navigation though.

I have to stick with the Bloglines, folks. It’s the only site I visit absolutely every time I’m on the web. There’s just no substitute.

I honestly can’t imagine life without it.

Ha, conquered Stylecatcher

Ok, I think I got it all figured out now. You have to refresh all of your templates manually, but I’m a moron and didn’t know that.

Anyway, it’s Thanksgiving, must go eat turkey.

New look today

Trying out some of the new Movable Type 3.2 features that are supposed to make it easy as pie to change the look of your blog, hope you like the new design. I can’t take credit for the actual design, but I can take credit for breaking the archives pages, they look like crap right now. In fact pretty much every page except this one looks really bad at the moment.

I’m not sure why yet. More to come.