So many news articles, so

So many news articles, so little time.

First off, I must say that I only I had known that mobile phones kill off sperm it would have saved a lot of trouble recently. Just sew a couple of Motorolas into your gitch and you’re golden. But no, I have to go and actually have “surgery” to get the same effect. Jeez.

Also, I may not have said it loudly enough before, but it would be better for all of us if you switched to another browser. There are more and more real nasty problems with Internet Explorer that make it really scary to be browsing the Internet with your pants down like that. Try the alternatives, they have features especially tabbed browsing that kick IE’s pants.

That’s all for now.

In the news today, an

In the news today, an important scientific discovery. This is definitely something that makes me proud to be Canadian, and even more certain that we need to give our Universities more money. In case you didn’t click the link, here’s the first line of the article.

“Biologists have linked a mysterious, underwater farting sound to bubbles coming out of a herring’s anus.”

Yep, you better believe it. (Rocket) Scientists at the University of British Columbia have spent some time on this one, kids. Other points of interest: The Herrings only fart after dark, they seem to communicate this way, and the noise apparently answers the vexing question as to how the schools of herring stay together after dark. Also, the article states with a completely deadpan tone; “It was at this point that the team named the noise Fast Repetitive Tick (FRT).” Um, yeah.

There is even a link to a wav file so you too can experience the majestic sound of a herring breaking wind in the cold dark waters of the North Sea. It gives you goosebumps, doesn’t it?

I can just imagine the nature shows picking up on this one, Crocodile Hunter style.

“Alright, here we are in the North Sea, it’s 9pm and we are stealthily approaching a large school of herring from behind in our submarine. If we are lucky these little blokes will start ripping them off like crazy and we will be in for a jolly good show. I’ve never seen such an array of fish butts in my whole life. It’s mesmerizing, watching them. Crikey! There they go! I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s like being in a jacuzzi. We’re being knocked about in our little submarine, but we should be alright. It’s truly one of nature’s wonders.”

Ok, that was a little over the top, but this is a fairly strange one, wouldn’t you agree?

Ok, so I hope I

Ok, so I hope I don’t start just looking for the stupidest people alive to talk about here, but here’s a story about a woman who couldn’t manage to open a 2L pop bottle without the cap hitting her in the eye and causing some permanent damage. Of course she’s not that stupid because she’s suing Coke over it.

Quote: “In the suit, Douglas claimed the company failed to warn consumers of the serious risk in ordinary handling of a pop bottle. The company failed to do its research and testing so carbonated drinks wouldn’t cause harm to its customers, said the suit.”

You know she may have a point. Those things can be dangerous.

Here’s some other lawsuits to watch for:
“I pounded the Q-Tip into my ear with a ball peen hammer and it caused me irreparable hearing loss and brain damage, despite the manufacturer’s claims that it has 30% more cotton on the tip. Give me $100 million.”
“I shredded the tip of my finger off with my food processor when I attempted to push a pea into the hopper with my bare hand. Shredded peas are an important part of my Shaolin Monk diet, give me $50 million.”

When will our environment more efficiently cull the herd? It’s only a matter of time before people become stupid enough to take themselves out in even greater numbers than ever before. Right?

OK, I don’t mean to

OK, I don’t mean to push my environmental concerns on you guys, but I think this is important enough to bother you all with.

This past February the Ontario government granted a giant Swiss corporation, OMYA, the rights to remove 4.5 million litres of water each day from Ontario’s tiny Tay River, which is near Perth. This works out to roughly 1.6 billion litres per year. This water isn’t even going to be used for drinking purposes, but for industrial processes (OMYA is a mining company). The Ontario government had initially denied OMYA’s request for the 1.6 billion litres per year. But, OMYA decided to appeal the ruling to the Ontario Divisional Court and the Minister of the Environment, Chris Stockwell. With OMYA threatening to warn foreign investors away from Ontario unless it got all the water it wanted, the Minister has decided to overturn the decision of the Tribunal. The Minister has taken this action despite the pleadings from his own ministry to wait until the issue has been given a full and fair hearing in court.

Needless to say, this removal will seriously impact the health of the river and the surrounding communities and environment that rely on it. But, worse than that, it sets a dangerous precedent which threatens every lake and river in Canada. Trade experts are already saying that if OMYA is allowed to take this amount of water, American corporations will come to Canada and demand equal amounts of water. And under the North American Free Trade Agreement there is nothing we can do to stop them. An article in the Ottawa Citizen has warned that if the OMYA ruling is allowed to stand, Canada will be opening the floodgates to water exports.

Fortunately, it isn’t too late to stop this from happening. For example a similar action was blocked a few years ago in B.C. (for which Sun Belt, a California company, is suing the government of Canada under NAFTA. The company claims that B.C.’s law violates several NAFTA-based investor rights and therefore is claiming US$10 billion in compensation for lost profits).

Save the Tay River link

Here’s the article entitled Chris Stockwell’s Valentine’s gift: A slap on the face for citizens

OK, I’m gettin’ off my soapbox now.

I posted this on Noonans

I posted this on Noonans Blogger as well. But, for those that haven’t seen this….

Viewing the War as a Lesson to the World

WASHINGTON, April 5 � Shortly after Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld issued a stark warning to Iran and Syria last week, declaring that any “hostile acts” they committed on behalf of Iraq might prompt severe consequences, one of President Bush’s closest aides stepped into the Oval Office to warn him that his unpredictable defense secretary had just raised the specter of a broader confrontation.

Mr. Bush smiled a moment at the latest example of Mr. Rumsfeld’s brazenness, recalled the aide. Then he said one word � “Good” � and went back to work.

See full story here (Requires Free Sign up to the New York Times)