I’m a big fan of

I’m a big fan of call centres and the excellent customer service I usually get through them. Ahem. I also love big cable networks (*cough-Rogers-cough-bastards-cough*) because I really like the way I pay them a lot of money, more every month it seems for the same jerky, pixellated, “reality” cookie cutter crap. Not that I’m bitter though.

SO it is with great relish I bring you this article from Reuters. It tells how a hacker or employee got in and changed the hold message. You know the one that normally says “Your business is valuable to us” while somebody destroys “Heart of Gold” on the harp, or the clarinet? They apparently changed it to something that isn’t exactly what the company would say to customers, or out loud anyway. It had a lot of curse words in it. Here’s a cleaned-up quote from Reuters:

“You are through to NTL customer services. We don’t give a (expletive) about you. We are never here. We just (expletive) you about, basically, and we are not going to handle any of your complaints. Just (expletive) off and leave us alone.”

Ahh funny stuff. And everybody secretly feels this is how you get treated at some places anyway, right?

Another installment of the “Twinkie

Another installment of the “Twinkie Grief Series”(tm) today. As you may have read way back on Thursday, Interstate Bakeries is filing for Chapter 11 protection. They make all sorts of wonderful goodness, as Kent will tell you, Twinkies being the chief of these.

Well, in case you wondered just how wonderful Twinkies actually are, I (once again from Boing Boing) discovered some hard Twinkie science today, The T*W*I*N*K*I*E*S Project (or Tests With Inorganic Noxious Kakes In Extreme Situations). There is some real science here people, you really need to open your mind to the possible scientific uses of Twinkies.

Boy these guys really had some time on their hands.

I’m a dog lover of

I’m a dog lover of course. If you can call Harvey a dog. He’s more of a hairy son.

Anyway, I’m a dog lover and I saw this article from, you guessed it Boing Boing (why do I even bother having a blog, when all of the good stuff I post is just a rehash of their site? That’s a good question. I may have to ask somebody about that. Maybe Boing Boing will have something on it tomorrow.). So anyway, back to the dogs.

Here’s a direct quote:

Scientists report that dogs can smell disease in the urine of bladder cancer patients. In the study, published in this week’s British Medical Journal, the canines successfully identified a cancer patient’s urine sample placed among six control samples 41 percent of the time, far better than the 14 percent expected by chance. From an Associated Press article on the research:

“Perhaps the most intriguing finding, though, was in a comparison patient whose urine was used during the training phase. All the dogs unequivocally identified that urine as a cancer case, even though screening tests before the experiment had shown no cancer. Doctors conducted more detailed tests on the patient and found a life-threatening tumor in the right kidney.”

Way cool stuff. It makes you wonder what else dogs can smell, doesn’t it? Maybe they can tell when you are going to bang your head on a cupboard by your smell. Or maybe they can tell when you are going to accidentally bounce a cheque to Hydro. That would be very handy to be able to do: “Honey, do I smell NSF to you?”. Of course this makes me want to treat Harvey much better from now on, cause you don’t want to tick him off and have him ignore something important. Yep, it’s all ground beef and steaks for him from now on.

A very sad note in

A very sad note in business today, from Boing Boing, Interstate Bakeries filed for bankruptcy. Why would you give a Ding Dong about that? Well, let me fill you in with delicious details. They make everything that is synonymous with fatty goodness. Twinkies, Ring Dings (what the heck are those?), Ho Hos, Wonder Bread, all dead. It’s a terrible day for snacking.

What will we do now?

Well dare I say, I

Well dare I say, I must be one of those naive parents that have no clue what is going on in the world around me. I have to say that I’m shocked AND disappointed in several things today. One, I’m disappointed that people are so up in arms over what certain accessories “represent” or “advertise” if you will. It used to be that tattoos and earrings in places other than your ears were symbols of rebellion, or individuality. Now a simple coloured jelly bracelet on a child as young as a third grader can mean they are advertising their willingness for sex or sexual acts. I mean, c’mon people. I wore them in the 80’s and I certainly was not advertising that sort of thing then. Some of you are sporting ones that Jordy gave you out of love. I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to know what they stand for.

I was told these bracelets meant certain things, but I honestly did not think that this was something that circulated the elementary schools. Perhaps I have too much faith in the world today, or others not nearly enough. Jordynn went to school today wearing a ton of these things that she proudly bought at Dollarama with her own money. She was told to not wear them to school ever again by students as well as several teachers. In addition to this, the principal has cut them off students’ wrists in the past and threw them away.

Jordy is now embarrassed and upset that she wasted her money on these things and can not wear them. All I can do is sit here with my mouth hanging open. Here’s the list on what these things mean. Hopefully this rant will prove to be helpful for someone else in some way. Suddenly I feel so old and out of touch.

Sex Bracelets are back – and kids are using them with out their parents knowing what they are doing.

Jelly bracelet fashion accessories have been around since the 80’s. But instead of a fashion statement, they may be making a statement about your kid’s sex life.

These bendable pieces of colored rubber have become a sexual code to many teens.

Here’s a common breakdown:
Yellow: hugging
Purple: kissing
Red: lap dance
Blue: oral sex
Black: intercourse

In a game called snap, if a boy breaks a jelly bracelet off a girl’s wrist, he gets a sexual coupon for that act.

It’s become such a problem in some middle schools in Florida that districts started banning the bracelets.

If your daughter is wearing one of these bracelets, it may be cause for concern.

Well today I bring good

Well today I bring good news and bad news.

The bad news is if you own a fancy bike lock, you’re probably screwed. The news on the web today is those Kryptonite locks that cost a fortune are easily defeated by a .29c Bic pen in about 2 seconds.

Here’s the link on Wired.com

And now for the good news. If you happen to own a very expensive bike, lock it up with your expensive lock and return to find that your bike has been stolen with a very inexpensive pen, you may be very glad that you can now buy a prescription-stength over the counter heart defibrillator. Yessiree, that shock machine thingy they use to restart your heart in hospitals is now available to anyone with $2000 in their pocket. It’s really a must-have item. I mean the humour value alone makes the price seem worthwhile. It delivers enough current to light a 150 watt bulb for one second, or in other words enough to knock down your brother when you jump him when he’s soaking wet from the shower and leaving him twitching on the bath mat.

It’s a great world we live in.