Sorry I took so long Whit…

Sorry for the delay in updates…little man Cael had a blast on his first day of school.  He had a great time and can’t wait for today to go back. Today will be his first day of regular schooling routine.  He goes today, tomorrow and then on Thursday this week and every week after.  He’s pumped.  His face lights up when I say, “You get to go to school today!”  He jumps up and down and gives me a hug!  Too cute.

The nice thing for me too though, is that when I say on Monday and Fridays, it’s just you and me today, he also gets excited and spends the afternoons saying to me, “C’mon my ol’ pal!” or “Come with me pal!”  I guess I’m starting to be as great as Quinn in his eyes…..when Quinn isn’t around that is 🙂

One other update is that Jordy has her picture day tomorrow.  The difference about this picture day and every other picture day before this one, is that this one is for her “Student Card”.  Do you believe this?  Things like that slap me back into the reality that our daughter actually is in highschool.  Jr. or not, it’s still highschool.  Sheesh!

I’m still waiting for a point in time when my head starts to believe that we are as old as we are.  Court and I just turned thirty five and I swear sometimes we act like 25 year olds.  I know I certainly THINK like a 25 year old.  May we always stay that way!

More than his fair share, I’d say.

Talk about sickening luck, this guy certainly seems to have more than his fair share.

First off, he’s a US Senator.  He’s already a millionaire.  On top of that he’s the heir to the Kimberly-Clark fortune (they invented Kleenex, no doubt serious money there).  Apparently that’s just not enough for this guy, because he says he spends at least $10 per week on the lottery.  That would be sickening all by itself, but to top it off, he has won the lottery three times in the last few years to the tune of over $250 000.

Give me a break, isn’t that a little too much?  Man.

Link to Canoe article.

Some sort of pun about pot should go here.

 I have mentioned pot here on the blog before.  Don’t get me wrong, I never use the stuff.  I do think that the energy and money spent on trying to regulate and persecute it’s use is wasteful and needless in the extreme.  Personally I fail to see the difference between the use of recreational alcohol and pot, but that’s just me.  In my mind the government is throwing a very lucrative taxable revenue away by trying to keep people away from this stuff.  However, lots of folks apparently think differently because pot is still not legal, so there you go.

Anyway, here’s a couple of pot-related stories from

First is a bit about a prison in Tokyo that has a rampant weed problem in it’s exercise yard.  Literally, marijuana plants keep growing inside the prison yard and they can’t seem to get rid of them.

“….officials plucked out as many as 300 marijuana plants and treated the ground last year, but several more sprouted again this year.  Prisoners reported them to the guards.”

Now that’s funny.  The prisoners reported the plants riiight away, fer sure.

Next is the tale of an intrepid police officer who surely has succeeded in cracking one of the larger drug rings in the U.S.  Apparently the officer was driving by the home of a 71 year old woman, and spotted a 4 foot marijuana plant growing in her backyard.  The woman tried to do the bewildered old lady defence and said the plant was to keep animals away from her garden.  This might have worked but was probably ruined after the officer then discovered a bong, five more plants, seeds, etc inside her house.  Got to give her points for imagination, though.  Thank goodness he took that dangerous 71 year old lady off the streets, though.  I will sleep a lot safer knowing she isn’t baking brownies for her bridge club anymore.

Big Day for Jordy, Proud day for Mom…

So, call us crazy but tonight we are letting Jordy have 15, yeah, count ‘em 15 of her friends over for a movie party as a last hoorah before school starts. We are trying to foster the friendships for her popularity with the right crowd. It’s a very delicate and calculated move on our part, but all part of a master plan. The idea is to make the kids we like want to be HERE and comfortable HERE, so that they will always want to be under our roof for the upcoming years where we can keep an eye on them. Jordy had some pretty catty kids to deal with at the end of June, so we are just trying to focus on the other friends, and neighbours here in the area to give her some safe friendships to foster and cling to. Also these are kids where we know the parents and have a rapport with them for any issues that may come up later…perfect. So between 7:00PM and 11:30PM tonight there will be 16 pre-teens in our house plus our other two. I think that is a new record for us. 18 kids under the one roof at once. Anyway, 3 of them are sleeping over too so I should be good and tired tomorrow. Its for a good cause though. The greater good is what I keep telling myself and damned if we don’t do everything in our power to keep J on the straight and narrow. So far I’m a cool mom with all her friends so that works in our favour. I hope they all have fun. Wish us luck 🙂

So today we went to the high school open house at 11AM. They had their orientation, a BBQ, and the parents were conveniently presented with the opportunity to part with $30 to get the mandatory gym uniforms. All is well and I’m feeling pretty prepared. Prepared for Jordy but not prepared for the flood of memories that came crashing back for me. It was very nostalgic for me to be walking the halls of a high school again. I could feel the excitement, anxiety, and worry of a new overwhelming place to try to navigate myself around all over again. It puts it all into perspective really quick about the things we forget about, and expect our kids to roll with. God love her, she’ll do just fine but I can say with absolute certainty that I remember what it was like, and she will have a lot of slack from me the first few weeks. While all that goes on in my head about the past, I find myself in the midst of a rather proud and fulfilling moment to know that the person I place in these walls, mere days from now, is someone I am bursting with pride over. She will cry tears, friends will hurt her, and she will be the happiest she’s ever been all at the same time. It’s like taking a step into a new life, and I totally felt a part of it today.

Staying home was the best thing I ever did. I walked up the crowded walkway of the high school and saw the timid, anxious, but-trying-not-to-show-it, faces of all the grade sevens. They were all not knowing where to go, and what they were supposed to do, and when her friends saw me, they relaxed a little, smiled and waved. They were excited, and not embarrassed when I asked if I could take their picture. I felt like I was a parent that they were happy to have around them.

This year has been something else for us. Jordy starts junior high school, Cael is potty trained, and Quinn is a year away from full days of school. Court and I are like high school kids, more in love than ever, with the extra time these milestones of our children have allowed. I am planning my return to work in September of 2008, which is something of a thrill after 8 years (9 by then) of being at home. We are actually daring to dream about what we may be able to do in the future now that we are actually rested, and find ourselves not always interrupted every few minutes. I’m now 35 and my mortality isn’t hovering over my like a black cloud like I thought it would. I feel good about where I’m at, emotionally, spiritually and physically. (Always room for improvement physically, but at least I have something to work towards and a goal that seems achievable). This is a nice place to be.

This has been a very long post, and I don’t post very often and I guess maybe this is why. Let me wrap this up by saying that life throws a lot at you, and just when you think you can’t get any busier, you find that you actually are. You don’t know it, but it is after a flurry of those times you stumble across a short reprieve where you can look back on it all and say, “We did it.” Today was one of those days. We have a little girl that has grown up enough where we are required to let go a little, and I’m ok with it. I’m so damned proud of her, and Court and I did it, and we did it together, and she is the best reward ever. Way to go baby. You are something else!

Now, I have a party to plan and some ear plugs to locate.
Later days

Frothy Beach

In a very strange turn of events, the ocean at a Sydney beach has decided it has had enough and has gone right sudsy in protest of all of the crap we throw into it.

I’m sure we are all familiar of the very natural occurrence of a huge wall of foam on top of the ocean for 30 miles? Of course we are, it happens all of the time. See the children as they frolic in the suds as we did when we were just knee high to a mutant turtle. Oh the memories.

Hey, waaait a sec.

Holy crap batman! What the heck is that? Why are people playing in it? That’s not natural, that’s the end of the world! Why doesn’t anybody else see that? Hm, let’s see, giant wall of dirty foam appears on the ocean? Possibly the end of the natural food chain? Let’s play in it! Too bad we can’t surf, eh?

The bubbles will come and smother us all, people. We will die horribly, giggling because they tickle so much. Mark my words.

I saw this on Neatorama, by the way.