Lloyd 1, Cael 0

The corneas location, for those of us who slept through that class in high school

The cornea's location, for those of us who slept through that class in high school

Well it seems that Lloyd won what will undoubtedly be the first is a series of playtime related injuries with our family.  You don’t live with an immature clumsy animal (Lloyd this time, not me) and get away completely unscathed.  Cael managed to get Lloyd’s paw in his eye somehow, and scratched his cornea.  Like any seasoned parents, Nikki and I were skeptical of Cael’s complaints that his eye hurt.  He would rub at it and it would get red, but then it would subside.  Added to that, when he played video games we mysteriously heard no complaints at all.  Anyway, by Sunday evening we were starting to think that there might be something going on for real.  That’s smack in the middle of the no-man’s land of closed medical clinics so we braced ourselves to the reality of walking into an emergency room without a sucking chest wound, chicken pox, or any other similarly messy and ghastly life threatening problem.
We all had red eyes by the time we were seen by a doctor (a resident) who got his boss to confirm that we were indeed dealing with something more than just a stray eyelash here.  In fact the doctor was very impressed with how tough Cael was, he said that most adults get a tiny scratch and tear up and complain bitterly.  Cael’s eye “looked like someone took sandpaper to it” and was abraded over 10% of his cornea and he was typically good-natured, even at 5am, and even after having his eyelid flipped back, which seemed to be hardest on Nikki.

Anyway, from there we basically camped out in the ER to wait for an opthamologist to come on at CHEO so we could be referred over there without starting the clock over again.  Nikki and Cael got some sleep in the bed, while I sat in the chair and watched the time just fly by until the on-site Tim Horton’s opened at 6:30am.  Several things come to mind: a dangerously low iPhone battery and no cell signal (which I’m not supposed to even use in the hospital) makes time REALLY go by fast.  In any case, I was not the only person in line waiting for the staff to make coffee and open up.

There’s more, but it’s mostly just waiting and driving.  By the time Nikki and I laid down for a sleep in our own bed, we had been more or less awake for 27 hours, and the sleep monkeys were shrieking with glee as they beat my head into the pillow.

The Bright Side

Recently Nikki put a new ring-tone on her phone which has been invading our brains regularly (every time she gets a Facebook notification, actually).  It’s “Always look on the bright side of life” from Monty Python’s Life of Brian.  It fits right into our personal life philosophy of “find the happy, it’s there if you look” that we are trying to impart on the kids.  It’s not empty optimism really, but rather that a positive outlook usually helps in every situation, no matter how bleak.  Nobody wants to hear you bitch, nobody cares if you aren’t actively fixing the problem, so get up and get to work.  Working on a problem feels good, if you feel good you smile, and things get better. It’s that simple.

Anyway, we were trying to explain where this song came from to Jordy, and we ended up watching this together last night.


Which led to this:


Epic comedy, brilliant, timeless and silly.  It makes me happy, which in turn makes it easier to always look on the bright side.  Go get yourself some happy, dammit.

Backyard Splashy Time

Lloyd, Harvey and the boys had some much deserved backyard time yesterday in the wonderful sun.  I was sitting on my arse watching them after I came home from work and snapped a few pics with my phone.  I think you can see how much fun they were having, each in their own pools.  The boy’s pool is inflatable and so it’s off limits for Bitey McPunctureton seen here digging his way to the bottom of his pool of water.  Keep digging, Bitey…

digging for something

Then I took a shot of the inevitable results of splashing, you can see Lloyd here in mid-rotation, which makes his ears look stupid.

shakey shakey

Of course after this I had to empty the pool to begin the emptying as supper was almost ready…

Let’s Share

It’s Wednesday and so let’s share some things I bet you didn’t know.  The best part about this is, it’s not a moronic Facebook application that nags you to pick 65 friends to spam, and it’s not an asinine chain email that promises that 17 albino tortoises will get a new paint job in India if only you send this to 90 of your closest friends and put your name on the bottom.

  • Nikki’s feet make kissing noises when she walks in her new Birkenstock sandals , and she loves it.  She paraded around last night, making me listen to her feet.
  • Harvey barely woke up when I decided to try a borrowed Pedipaw toenail thingamajig out on him.  The warning to “take it slow, get them used to it” doesn’t apply to him it seems.
  • Cael’s bloodsugar levels, if graphed out on paper over the course of a day, would look like the stock price of a late 90’s internet company.
  • Since we clarified just how many text messages Jordy is allowed to send in a month without getting charged, the nuances of “virtually unlimited” and “unlimited” have become clear.  The take-home lesson is that while a parent (or probably anyone over 30) would consider 1500 text messages in a month an unattainable number, that number is far too easily doubled and then some by a teenager with “virtually unlimited” time on her hands.
  • Quinn is a very capable and logical Battleship opponent, but when playing his younger brother (who knows nothing of determining a hit from a miss) he can be fooled very easily into thinking that he has somehow managed to not miss one single shot, and has sunk 4 out of five of Cael’s ships.  Cael for his part finds misses to be rather boring, and so makes sure that Quinn never has one, logic, geometry and truthfulness be damned.  Quinn is oblivious and is basically supremely confident in his abilities.
  • As for myself, I secretly dream of the day when I am wealthy enough to once again chew gum.  I recently broke a molar on a chiclet and paid $1000 to get a crown, and so now I’m too cheap to chew gum.  Damn Scottish frugality, now my breath isn’t minty fresh.

There, now you know more than you did.  Please send this link to no one.   If you do share, do so in the comments.  Also, while writing this post I realized that “too cheap to chew gum” sounds like an old-timey saying your grandfather would use, and it’s now my new favourite thing to say.

I’m a lucky guy.

Steve Earle, Sparkle and Shine

My baby sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
My baby sparkle and shine
And everyone knows she’s fine
She blesses all that she sees
A toss of her hair and a kiss in the breeze
But she don’t love no one but me
And I can’t believe she’s mine

Shimmering she moves
Sunlight all around her
Even when she’s blue
Silver clouds surround her

My baby sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
My baby sparkle and shine
And I can’t believe she’s mine

My baby swings down the street
Big tall high heel shoes on her feet
Walks by and my heart skips a beat
And I’m stumblin’ like a fool
She give me somethin’ so sweet
I can’t sleep y’all and I can’t eat
Sparks fly whenever we meet
I’m breathless ‘cause she’s so cool

Anywhere she goes
I can only follow
She’ll be there I know
When I awake tomorrow

My baby sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
My baby sparkle and shine
And everyone knows she’s fine

My baby sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
Sparkle and shine
My baby sparkle and shine
And everyone knows she’s fine

And everyone knows she’s mine

That is all.  Gag away if you feel so inclined..

Let’s Mess The Kids Up

I took Quinn to see Transformers, The Rise of the Fallen last night.  Yes, he’s only 7 years old, and yes the movie is rated PG13, and yes we thought for a long while about taking him.  Nikki and I have up to this point more or less completely shielded both of the boys to the exact same level, meaning that if something is too much for Cael, then Quinn wasn’t allowed to see it. This made things much easier for us parents as you can imagine, but I have started to feel that Quinn was a little cheated out of what he deserved since there is a growing gap in maturity between the boys.

Granted, perhaps taking him to a movie like is isn’t the best way to address that gap in maturity, but to his credit, he took it all in stride.  We talked about the movie beforehand, how it was going to be, and I took pains to remind him that it wasn’t real, etc.  In all, I think it went pretty well.  We laughed together at the funny parts, we both jumped at the surprising parts, and we both thought it was awesome.  It was a tad mature in language, which I think he heard without understanding what it really was (time will tell on that one), some slightly sexy content, and certainly lots violent.  It was a bad movie to see if you have an aversion to robots kicking the absolute crap out of each other.  I would have to say that the violence to humans was toned down more than the last one.  There was still lots of humans getting blown up (think A-Team style-explosions, but with way more CGI and money) of course, but it didn’t seem as obvious as before, if you are willing to ignore the implied human killing.  Like when an entire aircraft carrier is blown apart and sinks in 45 seconds, there’s a pretty strong chance that some folks got killed there, but we didn’t see it, so that’s ok.

I may be crazy of course, and watch it again and wonder what I was thinking.  Perhaps part of the success was that Quinn insisted we sit in the third row of the theatre, which was perfect since he talked quite a bit and we didn’t disturb anyone, but we also missed a lot of the stupendous action because we were sitting so close to the screen.

As for the big question: have I wrecked my kid by letting him watch a movie like that?

I was in geek dad heaven, but I think as an experiment it went ok so far.  I will have to update you on how it went once Cael hears about it, he’s still at Nanny’s house.  I think either way, it will be a while before we let Quinn watch something out of his age bracket, just to wait and see how it goes.

Anybody think I’m nuts?