Harvey Van Gogh all the way back to the vet

the cone of shameOk, let me start with a little background.  On the weekend we noticed that Harvey’s ear felt a little strange.  There was a puffy bubble inside the skin of his ear.  We were concerned of course, so Nikki made an appointment at the vet for Monday.  Nikki is also really sick, and she and Cael had to take Harv all the way to Pakenham.  Turns out he had a broken blood vessel in there, causing the bubble (hm, I wonder how that happened?)  They drained it and wrapped it and off they all went.  Harvey had to have his ear bandaged flat to his head so that it would heal properly, so they wrapped bandages all around his head, which made him look absolutely ridiculous, by the way.  Well it seems that the vet accidentally wrapped him too tightly because on the way home he started to choke and gasp.  Nikki removed the bandages and turned right around and drove back to the vet.  Finally we get Harv home last night, Nikki goes to bed early to rest while I clean up and get the kids to bed.  Anyway when I finally had time to take Harv for a pee I noticed he was panting and gasping, ever so slightly.  Now, let’s be clear here that Harvey is a bit of a drama queen, and in hindsight he was probably playing up the sympathy a bit.  Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to rewrap his head, slightly looser to make him more comfortable.  As it turns out that was a bad idea.  By the time he woke up in the morning his ear had come loose in the bandages, and was puffy again.  Now Nikki is feeling even worse with her cold, wants to just die in bed and instead has to take him back to the vet yet again, probably pay for the procedure again, and make Cael late for school again.

It seems that my computer job doesn’t translate well to veterinary medicine.  Duly noted.  Also, there will be no further sympathy for dogly discomfort.  These two new tactics should do wonders for my marriage, my wallet, my child’s education, and Nikki’s health.

Vallentyne Style Update

It’s been a while since I did a post about the kids, since this is technically our family’s blog I guess that means I haven’t been sharing very well.  Normally that would mean I have to say I’m sorry, and potentially spend some time alone in my room.  As any parent knows, the thought of spending alone time at home is a fantasy that most of us would kill for, so it just doesn’t hold the same power over us.

Anyway, let’s fix that now, Jordy first.  She is settling into grade 9 rather well so far.  The new class schedule, new teachers and responsibilities are pretty much the way I remember grade 9.  The biggest difference I can see is how much cooler Jordy is than I was.  Seriously, this kid has a fully developed sense of style that I definitely lacked in grade 9.  She knows exactly what clothes to wear, how she wants her hair and spends a not inconsiderable amount of time getting it just right.  Exactly how much time is a subject of much discussion at our house, with personal grooming edging out other less important activities, like eating breakfast properly instead of a handful of dry cereal shoved into her mouth as she runs out the door.  As the weather changes I can see another familiar “discussion” looming: Canadian Winters and How to Dress in Them So You Don’t Look Like You Live On The Street, Don’t Your Parents Care About You?  A favourite, to be sure.

Quinn’s Grade 2 teacher is a very nice lady who seems to be a perfect fit for him this year.  She by her own admission is ever so slightly obsessive about order and neatness in her classroom.  Quinn is still the neatest child in the house by a wide margin, even if that tendency is slipping ever so slightly as he grows older.  We couldn’t ask for more, and he seems to be doing well so far.  Personal appearance has not traditionally been high on his list to date, but in the last week or two he has been requesting to have his shower early enough at night so that he has time enough to blow his own hair dry.  His goal is to have hair as soft as Jordy’s, so you can see the influence trickling down here.  Fortunately his quest for the perfect hairstyle does not prevent him from getting absolutely dirty from head to toe while playing with his brother, which is a kid’s universal right.

Cael is thriving this year in senior kindergarten, even more so than I thought he would.  He is really starting to figure out reading, sounding out words that he doesn’t already know and his writing skills are really improving.  He goes to school in the afternoons now, which makes for a better flow to his day and avoids the boring afternoon syndrome he had last year when he had to wait for his brother to come home from school.  Cael of course absolutely owns the title of best dressed kid in the class, and always has.  His outfit for the first day of school this year rocked so hard that The Breakfast Club called and invited him to their next meeting.


So there you have it.  The Vallentyne children fashion update for this week.

They Might Be Giants – Here Comes Science

They Might Be Giants (who until now I had never actually heard) released a kids CD called Here Comes Science, and it’s happy, catchy, and scientifically accurate.  Good lord, but this makes me happy.  It will be purchased for my kids by the end of the day.  My geeky heart overflows with joy.  The band website has lots of good stuff, but I stole the links for these videos and they are brilliant, check ’em out.

Electric Car:

(my favourite) I am a Paleontologist:


GO and get it on iTunes or Amazon. Go on. Go ahead, I’ll wait here.

I saw this on Boing Boing first, as usual.

Never underestimate the power of the ‘Hoff

I’m about to get a haircut, and I’m sure Nikki is secretly taking bets on how much I will look like David Hasselhoff when I get home.  My haircut guy is really good, but like any car accident, once you get close to the Hoff you can’t help but get closer and closer to it.  The haircut itself isn’t a “Hoff”, but he cannot escape the gravity well of turning it into one the closer he gets to letting me leave.  It must have something to do with my steadily receding hairline, built-in curliness and my rugged European good looks.

Every time I insist that I don’t blow it dry, it’s really not necessary.  But he starts anyway (ignoring the pleading look in my eyes), and the more he dries it, the puffier and Michael-Knightier my hair gets, and the hairier my chest gets.  It’s not a path that, once started, a mere mortal can stray from.  I guess I’m just happy to still need haircuts at this point, but it’s a risk I have to manage carefully.  You have no idea how strong the urge is when I leave to forget the car, rip off my shirt and shoes and jog home in slow motion, tossing my curly mane lustily.

The Hoff is inescapable and powerful, and is not to be trifled with.


A little run this evening

My first run in about 2 years or so, now with iPhone-enabled run tracking.  It’s a little hard to see, but it took me 34 minutes or so to run 5.48km. Certainly not breaking any records, but I’m happy with it for my first effort in a while.

The iPhone tracking is way cool man.  Oh, the nerdly joys.

Nikki’s Birthday

Happy Birthday to my best friend in the whole world. I love exploring our life together, there isn’t anyone I would rather do it with.  Your incredible outlook on life keeps my head on straight, and keeps me firmly centered where I belong which is with my family and friends.

I hope you have a great day honey.

Nikki with her cider

Here she is at the pub with her favourite new summer drink.

I love you baby.