Restaurant Review makes me want to meet the author

I should preface this by saying that this appears to be a review of a restaurant that bears “the name of someone who is on TV”, which as anyone that knows us Television-blind Vallentynes, results in a bemused shrug from me.  But forget about that for a moment, since you will no doubt know who Guy Fieri is already.  It seems he opened a new restaurant in Times Square recently and this gentleman went to sample the fare and write a review for the New York Times.  What he ended up doing was an exercise in awesomeness, a shining example of snark, sarcasm, and just plain old nasty.
It’s fantastic, I highly recommend you go and read this, it starts with a bang and just keeps coming.  Some of my favourites:

Hey, did you try that blue drink, the one that glows like nuclear waste? The watermelon margarita? Any idea why it tastes like some combination of radiator fluid and formaldehyde?

Somewhere within the yawning, three-level interior of Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar, is there a long refrigerated tunnel that servers have to pass through to make sure that the French fries, already limp and oil-sogged, are also served cold?


SERVICE The well-meaning staff seems to realize that this is not a real restaurant.


Needless to say, it’s a masterpiece of a review.  The restaurant doesn’t sound so hot though.

NY Times Review of Guy’s American Kitchen and Bar

Finally, Parenting Made Easy.

Parenting is hard.  There are so many possible ways that you can screw up, it’s a gauntlet of therapy-inducing phobias that you can pass on to your kids that will really mess them up forever.  Some parents try to avoid these pitfalls, but really it’s only a matter of time before your kids will just find one on their own and latch on, riding that sucker right through to middle-age or later until they (maybe) finally address it with some aggressive shock therapy in a grungy abandoned hospital basement in New Jersey with a “Doctor” they found on the net.  Or something like that.

Or you can just shortcut all that crap, and just give your kids pant-shitting fears of your own choosing.  A lot faster, easier and then there’s none of that constant worrying.  It’s pretty attractive, you have to admit.  Anyway, that’s the kind of thinking that I assume has gone into this awesome company:  Evil Birthday Clown

Essentially, you hire this guy who will dress as an evil clown and STALK your child for a week.  He will send menacing text messages, set traps, make phone calls to your child, and generally make damn sure your kid will ALWAYS remember what their worst fear is.  The game of it all is he is trying to hit your kid in the face with a pie (of dubious origin).  If your kid manages to avoid 1) getting hit with the pie and 2) becoming a raving gibbering lunatic, why then the clown will give your child the pie.  Sounds like a GREAT birthday.

What in the ever-loving world would make you do this to ANYONE, let alone one of your own kids?  (Lockrey excluded)  This is some scary messed up shit right here.

Thanks Boing Boing, for warning me.

Tenacious D – To Be The Best

Tenacious D is one of the those things that you either get or you don’t.  Personally I find Jack Black hilarious in this mode, so this is generally good fun for me.  First off a “news report” about how after the movie they made Kyle Gass goes nuts, while Jack becomes incredibly famous.  Also, a nice cameo from Val Kilmer…

Note: contains large bare male bellies


Then on the much more down to earth side of things, while on tour recently (not sure just how long ago) Jack sees a couple of 10 year old kids playing Bob Dylan in a town square and arranges to have them open for Tenacious D that very evening.  Completely awesome and unnecessary level of coolness for him to display, really.  Even if the whole thing is faked (doesn’t feel like it, but I guess you never know these days), these kids are clearly having a great time playing in front of the crowd, still way cool stuff.
