Et tu, XKCD?

You ever have those days when you feel like you are really starting to get the hang of your life?  When things that bothered you before don’t seem that important, the effort and work you have put into your life up to now is really starting to pay off, and you are finally in control?  The sun is shining, the future is bright, and life is great, right?

Well, as it turns out, me neither because I was having a pretty good morning, playing with my laptops here at home, getting some actual work done, drinking coffee.  I had a minute to kill as I rebooted and thought I would check my favourite webcomic, XKCD (mentioned here many times before). 

That’s when the day took a turn for the suck.

Movie Ages, also known as "Vallentyne is an old man"
Movie Ages, also known as “Vallentyne is an old man”


Thanks for kicking me right in the old man crotch there.  I get it, I’m old.  Cripes.

Home Alone does feel old to me.  Terminator 2 does not, nor does The Lion King.  Well crap.  Now I’m going to have to just sit here in my old man chair and mutter about my fragile mortality.

That does it.  This kind of crap is why us old people hate young people.  Young people and their youthful relevance, their un-lined faces, un-receded gumlines and hairlines, un-tweaked spines, and un-stomped on mornings. 

Dangit, now I’ve spilled my tea all over my shawl.

One thought on “Et tu, XKCD?

  1. I knew i was old when i couldn’t understand song lyrics of the music today and said outloud “this stuff is crap,remember when we had good music like Iron Maiden?!”

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