Dwarfed Punk

If you have never seen this, you haven’t been on the Internet very long, I bet your CAPS LOCK IS STILL ON.  Do us all a favour and watch this first.  Go ahead, I’ll wait.


Now that you are slightly up to speed, understand that there is no good reason for that video to exist.  It just does, it’s awesome, and that’s all there is to it.  It’s also safe to say that the Internet is very good at amplifying things that are strange.

For instance…

That’s still pretty good stuff, lots of practice there too.  Then we get something like this, and it transcends awesome and moves right on into art all by itself.  This is some pretty fine editing folks.

I can only imagine how much time that actually took to do.  There you go.  Now you can take your CAPS LOCK OFF, get on Twitter, and pretend you know all about the Internets.