Duped? Who, Me?

It may be hard to believe, but it seems that yours truly was maybe a tad hasty to just parrot whatever I read to you, my dear readers.  It seems that I hung the journalistic integrity hat on the peg and forgot to put it back on that day, or this year rather.  I know how many of you rely on Vallentyne.com for your daily serving of fresh hot news, smothered in sarcasm, so it’s with heavy heart that I inform you that it seems that Sarah Palin (probably) does indeed realize that Africa is a continent.  

Before you hang me out to dry for betraying your trust, you should probably be aware that I was not the only one to be duped.  In fact it seems that other small news agencies bought the story….  MSNBC, LA Times, etc.

Too funny.  However, the main point of my post was about how she was a really terrible choice for VP, the extra stuff was just icing anyway.

So there you go, my bad.

You can now relax and rest assured that Vallentyne.com remains the one and only place to go for Vallentyne-flavoured news.