
Wow, the lovely and wonderful Nikki surprised me with an early Christmas present that definitely knocked my socks off.  A super sexy 24″ iMac with all of the bells and whistles.

So, really she’s the best wife to be found anywhere in the land.  I challenge you to find any better.  You can’t, it can’t be done.  Nope.

The only slight problem with this whole thing is that the geek is strong within me, and now the tug of war begins between spending time with my most excellent wife and my shiny new Mac.  She is a very patient woman….  I will probably unintentionally soon be testing just how patient she is.

7 thoughts on “iMac

  1. I’m curious to know why you describe your wife as merely “wonderful”, while you describe your new iMac as “super sexy”…?

    Oh, I how I love getting Court into trouble. I doesn’t happen very often, so I really gotta capitalize when I can.

  2. Hmmmm… you make a strong point there Wilson. Perhaps my patience is being tested now…and not later…

  3. I feel your pain Nik. It seems to me that Rob also owns an iMac and had not made any argument that I may be at least “Just as good a wife as you”……Even though he typed that response from his iMac, in his Robe no less…..Guess who’s not gettin a new camera this spring??


  4. Ouch Wilson… That might have backfired a tad on ya, my condolences on the potato you are getting in your stocking :-p

  5. Hmmmm… now when I come over … it’s going to be hard to choose between playing with the Wii and the new IMac

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