
Well in a fit of crazed consumption, I went out yesterday and got an iPhone.  I don’t really know how it happened, I sort of woke up with the thing in my hand, a sweaty 36 month contract crumpled into the other.

Two things now come to mind:

1. It’s better than expected.

2. Nikki wants one bad.

I “got out of” my own contract by simply giving my phone to Jordy.  It was a cheap trick really, not fair to Nikki since we have no other children who are old enough for her to pawn her phone off to.  So now I have to be careful and not enjoy it too much, or there will be iPhone friction, which is not good.

One thought on “iPhone

  1. yeah, all i have to say is you better come up with one hell of a humdinger birthday gift for me buddy! Tick tock…only 21 days to go….

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