Time for a roundup of strange natural happenings, and of course adorable animals.
- WTF Nature is a good overall resource for strange natural things, lots of contributors.
- Mom provided a good link to a video from the TED conference where they show just how really really strange and wonderful creatures octopi really are, among other cool underwater things. Definitely worth a watch.
- Then we have a nice few shots of a family enjoying a newly built playstructure. A family of bears, that is. The perils of building anything that fun when living in Alaska, I suppose.
- Biiig freaking cow, huge, really really big cow. Very Large Cow.
- Insanely cute animal pictures. Hurts my teeth to look at this.
- Extraordinarily specialized blog, narrowly covering the specific cuteness of otters, which really is an under-reported field. Bravo.
- Finally, only narrowly animal related, a blog covering things that look like ducks. Yes, really.
So there you have it. All of your natural wonders covered here in excruciating detail.