I try to do my part for the environment, certainly not as much as some, but I would say I’m conscious of my presence here on earth and it’s impact.
Anyway, I was just scanning this article on green transportation ideas when I saw the following:
According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, today’s passenger cars average just 24 miles per gallon, the lowest level since 1980. In the early 20th century, by comparison, Ford’s Model T got 28.5 miles per gallon.
Holy Crap Batman! What the hell is going on here? One hundred years of automotive research, and that’s what the average consumption is at? Forget environmental conspiracy theories, that’s just terrible science. It’s embarassing even. What the hell is going on here? It’s inconceivable that this hasn’t improved across the board since then, let alone get worse.
Well that’s your depressing thought for the day.
Horrific, although I wouldn’t be surprised if SPEED played a big role in these numbers. Your mileage is 20% better at 80km/h than it is at 130km/h, for instance. And when Great Grandaddy Gibson was putting around Danford Lake in his Model T, he probably wasn’t going much faster than a kid doing top speed downhill on his bicycle. I agree with you, though, that 24 mpg in this day and age is a total disgrace. The automakers can’t think outside the rut they’ve been stuck in for decades. But then, look at the announcement today by our very own goberment: Kyoto would cause a recession. Ooooo Jobs. Ooooo. It’s enough to make you puke. Did I tell you we’re getting at Hybrid? We are.
Ali, well done on the hybrid.
And your point about top speed is certainly well taken. Not to mention all of the other amenities that modern vehicles have that the Model T (probably) did not.