Can you feed me now? Ok. Can you feed me now?

Faithful reader Wilson (ok I made the faithful part up) points out that apparently mobile phone radiation (among other kinds of radiation) could be the cause of a massive bee die-off recently in the US. That will definitely suck for us humans, since we apparently rely on these guys to do little things like make our food grow, not just make honey.

Canada is affected, as well as lots of other places.

The estimate is that bees pollinate one third of the food we eat every day.  That’s a problem, folks.

2 thoughts on “Can you feed me now? Ok. Can you feed me now?

  1. I would also like to point out, that although some positive tests have been done to prove this theory, there are other theories about what is causing this mass bee disappearing act. Apparently there has been a surge in a specific mite population in the last decade that could also account for bee decimation.

    Still alarming nonetheless.

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