Quinn can read.

This blog is not just a source of momentary amusement to myself and to any of you who actually read it, but is also an informal (and spotty) record of the kid’s progress and stories.  I try to make sure that I give equal time to everyone because while Cael’s eating habits could fill pages here, that’s not necessarily fair to Jordy who I am just as proud of for being a good friend to Nikki and I, a good room-mate, and who is turning into a very nice young woman.  Tonight I just can’t obey that rule, however.

I’m just too proud of my son Quinn, who will be turning 5 in May.  We have long been doing story times of course, and working on letters and their sounds and the like.  Yesterday he had some sort of epiphany because he decided it was time he read a book, which he proceeded to do, sounding out each word with very little help.  He did this for Nikki, and then repeated the feat on another book for both of us later.  He had never seen either of these books before, so it wasn’t a memory thing.  I’m blown away by it all, there was very little threshold for him, one day he couldn’t read, and the next day he could.
So needless to say we are as proud as can be and are trying not to be insufferably so.