Y’know, sometimes you just have to stand back and take a look at some of the things you’ve done in your life, and most importantly, some of the things you’ve done to others. I just had one of these reflective moments this morning and thought I might share with everyone to allow you fine people to learn from my mistakes.
Just this morning I was on the blog here, and saw the random pictures that creep up on the side there. Ah, so nice. As I was enjoying these pictures, I noticed one that hit me like an unsuspecting spring-loaded mallet to the face (a la Bugs Bunny, Warner Bros. style). Here’s the picture of which I speak below. See if you can spot the grave overly-protective motherly error made here. Take a second. In fact take all the time you need. I’m sure the average person would spot it in about .000001 of a millisecond.
Honestly. This just goes to show what type of patient and tolerant person Jordy is. Despite the ridiculous hat that her mother has forced her to wear IN A HOT TUB, she still appears to be having a great time. A big thanks to Ali and Jim for humouring me on such an erroneous parental move.
I’d like to chalk it up to being (at the time) a hot tub virgin, but really… I think that’s a bit weak.
She looks beautiful anyway. A little like a bathing beauty from a kinder, gentler time, when we called swimsuits “bathing costumes” and the general mood of the group in the tub could be called “gay” without anybody snickering.
But seriously, I didn’t think anything of it at the time except that you probably didn’t want to spend an hour detangling 8 feet of tresses for the sake of a 20-minute soak, so up the hair went. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
God love ya Ali, really.