Been on the job too long…

Nikki and I were lucky enough to get away this weekend past to Montreal for a little rest and relaxation. It was just what the doctor ordered and we had a great time. We very seriously pursued the goal of not doing anything, really and I think we succeeded. Together we do a good job of wasting a weekend with little effort. A small side note, it did not surprise us in the least to run into some folks at a bar in Montreal who were from the Prior…. 🙂
However, I am not rested today. Unfortunately I scheduled some work for last night, thinking that we would be back in lots of time for me to get a head start and be done before 9 or 10pm and get into bed. Reality got in the way of that of course, and I finally laid my head down at about 4am this morning. As a result I looked and felt my best when I walked into work the next morning (thanks Arlo). If that wasn’t bad enough I most certainly wasn’t feeling all that sharp when I made a huge boner mistake about an hour or so ago that resulted in “Many Bad Things”(tm) happening. So, as I watch the status indicators progress, certain in the knowledge that I will be missing supper and possibly a reasonable bedtime, I am left thinking that today it’s me the following axiom applies to:

“Having him on the job is like having two good men gone.” – Tom Rush

So, that’s my kvetch for today. I guess it’s your own fault if you don’t like this, since you came here after all….