BlueHost Rocks

When I started looking at web hosting companies I had exactly zero experience with any of them, having always had the server at home and being my own host.  Excellent flexibility, but extremely poor reliability as some of you may have noticed over the years.  So, I looked around and asked a few folks and while I had a recommendation for BlueHost from a friend of Wilson’s and the site, sure enough I came up with another host which I won’t name here.  I ignored all of the good advice because the other guys were offering more disk space.  I had a few other questions for them, which I asked using the handy web form they provided for this purpose.  After waiting a whole day for a response, I figured that maybe there was a problem with their site, maybe my question got lost or something.  So I asked it again.  Still another day without an answer.

Yep, so I went right off to the BlueHost site, and after some poking around I found the CEO’s blog.  The top post was one that said that being a BlueHost customer really sucked at the moment because they were having some technical troubles, and he apologized for the outages, and said what they were doing to fix it.  Man, that really inked the deal.  That’s exactly the way companies should communicate with their customers.  I signed up immediately.  Following that I had some questions and I called them and got answers right away.  Then, later in the day I got a phone call welcoming me and asking if I had any trouble.  Simply excellent service.
So, it took me maybe one day to find a new host, sign up, install WordPress and transfer the blog posts.  That’s damn good.  And the best part is once I had everything up and running, I got a message from the other web host guys.  He answered my question (very late) and had the nerve to ask me to use his name when I signed up so he got his commission….