Scientists Discover Nature’s Secret Lair

In what must mean the untimely death of at least a few of Nature’s henchmen and minions, scientists have discovered Nature’s Huge Secret Poorly Camouflaged Hideout, a la James Bond evil villain. Yep, it took a little over what, 10 000 years to find the cave from which Nature mounts her ceaseless assault upon mankind. Turns out we ought to be a little embarassed about it, since it’s big enough to, oh, fly a couple of helicopters into it and make them look like mosquitoes. How the heck could we have missed it?

Anyway, that slight embarrassment aside, I’m certain that we have Nature on the ropes now, fellas. Now that we have found the main hideout, it’s only a matter of time before we can finally bring Nature’s tyrannical reign on this planet to a final, fiery, and satisfyingly cataclysmic end. Extra extra deathy.