I have been accused at times of being a little over the top when describing life with the kids, especially with Cael, as some of you may remember. I’m sure that over time these complaints will diminish a little, but the question remains: will I pay physically later when Cael is bigger than me?
I think it’s important for you, the outsider, to know just how much this kid actually eats. Nik and I sometimes eat after the children so that we can actually both sit down and talk together. The kids are often at this point watching TV, so that we can have a relatively quiet dinner. This works well, usually. The only glitch is that Cael can’t stop begging at the table. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, except that the hangs onto the edge of the table and jumps up and down yelling for whatever it is we are eating. He doesn’t stop until we give him something. He takes it, and walks away until the food is gone, and he comes right back again until it’s all gone.
I know, Dr. Phil says you aren’t supposed to encourage that kind of behaviour, but it’s really very distracting.
I ask you, what would you do?