World Perspective

I think it’s important to stay in touch with world events. It provides a sense of balance to your daily life and connects you to the rest of the world. That’s what I was doing when I stumbled across this article about a pest control problem the Kenyan government is dealing with. It’s very interesting to hear what municipal governments deal with on a local level all around the world. For instance, here in Kanata we have the usual complaints (or at least I do) about park maintenance (sorry Ken) and grass cutting, etc. In Kenya it’s more of the same, really. The local government there decided to take action to control the pests threatening the farmland locally. So they decided to relocate them. The pests, not the farms. The only problem was the pests in questions are elephants. 400 elephants, approximately.

The plan was to capture these guys, one at a time, and drive each one 8 hours away to a national park. Oh man, that’s a monumental task, isn’t it? Anyway, they started and discovered that the trailer they had hoped to use to transport the elephants wasn’t up to the task. Man, 400 elephants to go, and now without a trailer. That’s a drag.

Anyway, while their solution was elephant-friendly, they may have been better off using the method for elephant control that the government in India decided on: Anti-elephant chili bombs. Yep, that certainly would discourage me from trampling your home, but there is a risk that it might also throw me into a murderous rage…

It sort of makes the dandelion concerns I have about our local park seem a little silly, eh?