Well, we’re down to about

Well, we’re down to about 30 hours remaining until the party. Have you responded yet? Have you located your bells to put on before you come? Get on with it, people. Preparations continue at home; cleaning, arranging, decorating, monkeys greasing their rollerskates, carb loading should begin soon, tomorrow morning Nikki will shave my head so I will be completely unimpeded and streamlined for my party activities. Kidding, of course.

In the spirit of the season, I erected this year’s mascot last night. Boy, that’s a loaded sentence, eh? The word “erected” in particular should show up prominently on the Google search index. No, not that kind of mascot, Wilson. You will see him at the front door to greet you when you arrive. Trust me, you won’t miss him. And contrary to Wilson’s inevitable comment, I will be wearing pants when you get there.