Well, check this out. I’m

Well, check this out. I’m on the blog again for the second day in a row. As promised, I thought I would let you all know how the saga continued where Jordy is concerned.

Last night Jordy came home and told me how good she was at keeping the big “Tooth Fairy” secret. She was all proud of herself and was taking pride in knowing she would never blow it for anyone else. While talking about this with me, her eyes grew wide and it dawned on her…She exclaimed, “So! That means there’s no Santa, OR Easter Bunny either!!” I still wanted to hang on to the idea of keeping the fun of childhood going for her (without letting her think I was going to lie to her). My response was none other than, “What do you think?” To which she replied, “I think it is you guys, because it would only make sense if you are the tooth fairy too.”

What do you do at that point? Do you keep up the sham and insult her intelligence? Do you risk her thinking you tell lies, or can’t be trusted to give her a straight answer? Potentially having her become 15 and getting beat up in high school because she still believes? (Perhaps a little unrealistic on the last one, but still). I let it ride for a good while, and danced around the proverbial bush to see if there was any ray of hope to keep the charade going. Unfortunately there were no rays to be found, and I came clean. This did not go over as well as the tooth fairy did. There were tears shed, and a long chat to follow. I wasn’t really prepared for this to tell you the truth. I guess you learn with the first child, and the kids that follow get an improved version of the truth. OR, maybe you just decide to lie to them instead forever. Those with 10 children must have it mastered. Needless to say, she was initially proud of herself for figuring it out. The more she thought about it however, the more she figured the magic of Christmas was lost. All our talking about Christmas being about family, friends and Jesus helped a little but she was still left with some wounds to lick. She’s in a lot better shape today, and honestly, I think she feels like she can ask me anything and get a straight answer. That is the silver lining I’m clinging to anyway.

As for the secret keeping, I think she knows the difference between a secret you just can’t give away (like Santa), and a secret like cake. She’s determined to not be responsible for the debunking of childhood beliefs for others. So those of you trying to keep up the magic, don’t worry, I feel confident that these secrets are safe with Jordy. Just don’t try to surprise someone with a cake, alright?

That’s all for now,
Feeling 2 feet tall