Hey gang. Monday June 30

Hey gang. Monday June 30 and like an idiot I’m working. Thumper the visiting bunny is giving me baleful and accusatory glares from his cage. I don’t think he likes it when I call him Stinky. I had no idea rabbits were so sensitive.

So it’s strawberry season, as I’m sure you are all aware. Reckon I’ll have the annual jam-making extravaganza with Tristan and my neices this weekend. They get a kick out of making it, and then they can decorate the labels and give the jam as gifts throughout the year. I must confess, however, that I have frozen the first basket of local stawberries for daquiris, so don’t go reinstating my Aunt Martha status just yet 😉

What else? Read the fifth Harry Potter this past weekend. Pretty good. I think I’ll stop reading them aloud to Tristan after book 3, though, which we’ve just started. 769 pages this one. Blimey! Maybe it’ll encourage him to read more on his own.

S’pose I should get back to the work. I’ll end with a plea to the rest of you bloggers to post something. You’ve NO idea how desperately boring the software installation guide is, and how pathetically often I check this site just to kick start my steadily weakening pulse…
