Ahh, another sunny Friday to

Ahh, another sunny Friday to enjoy from the sub-basement at work.

Let’s see what’s going on, it’s been awhile since we had any real news up here. This weekend is Jordy’s Brownies camping trip, that should be interesting. She was evasive about talking about it, we think she is a little nervous about going away for the whole weekend with just Brownies, and no family. Nikki and I privately think that she will go ahead with it, but will waffle at least once. She’s pretty tough. Also Jordy won a bronze medal and two ribbons at her dance competition a few weeks back, we are very pleased for her, it’s a big deal.

As for the little man, well he is getting very vocal lately, not quite there with actually making any real words besides momma and dadda, but he does have a lot to say. He also had his first real haircut yesterday (not performed by yours truly or Nikki, but by a real professional) and it looks darn cute, but I’m biased. He also possesses all of the skills necessary to walk, if he would just try it out. He is still chicken so far, which as any parent will tell you is just fine by us.

Nikki is unbelievably good at the supermom gig, even more organized than ever before. I don’t know how she does it. Anyway, she rocks.

That’s all I have for today.

Later kids.