So, the boy is sick.

So, the boy is sick. Nikki is sick. Jordy is complaining of a sore ear. Yep, sick. I am still fighting being sick from last week. I love winter. We nicknamed Quinn “Glue Stick” because he wipes his nose on everything and leaves a perfect trail of snot that dries to the consistency of cement. Great.

So, Valentine’s day is approaching. Nikki is waiting with baited breath to see what I will pull out this year. Ya right. You would think I would be better at this, wouldn’t you? It’s incredible how bad at romance I really am sometimes. Nik will agree wholeheartedly no doubt. Poor girl.

On another note, I am trying to get a good way to put pictures up here and I haven’t figured it all out yet. There must be an easy way. Think man, think.

oh well, you will just have to wait I guess.
