Boy, time sure flies when you are having fun.
What do we have to say? Well, not much.
I’m not sure if Nikki was going to post or not, so I might be stealing her thunder. Sorry if that is the case, baby. Cael was weighed today and won’t be fighting in the flyweight division anymore, if indeed he ever was. Nope, 24lbs, 11 oz places him smack in the middle of the heavyweight division for his age. Yes, that’s almost 25 pounds at 5 1/2 months. Yes, that’s a heck of a lot. And yes, that’s almost what Quinn weighs.
Fortunately he can just about roll his massive girth over all by himself, never mind that slimmer cousins have been doing it for ages. We have him on the “Rock Your Huge Self to Weight Loss” plan. He watches the workout video for 10 minutes twice a day, impassively blinking and breathing. He’s quite exhausted afterward and sleeps for hours. Yep, imperceptible shifts in his torso as he lays flat on his back are sure to really melt those pounds off, I’m sure his next doctor’s appointment will go much better. Really.
Quinn is really settling into being a 2 year old. He’s a yammering jumping climbing machine. His latest tricks include scaling the walls in his bedroom to look out the window, and pitching fits over the smallest things. We can’t be sure, but we think Cael is stealing Quinn’s food. He is getting skinnier all of the time.
And the really big news is Jordy’s report card came home today, and she is the proud owner of a B+ average. While she was really hoping to get an “A”, I think she did a great job in spite of all of the bullying she put up with this year. Way to go, Jordy! She also got a few “excellents”, notably in Homework completion. She’s not getting that from me, that’s for sure. I’m very proud of her.
That’s all, later.